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Wild Places Coloring Books
We hope you have fun with our coloring books and explore the parks.

This is where it started. A walk around the lake.
A smile at the rocks, the rocks smiling back and we became friends.
This is the first photograph I started to do a line draw of. Sometimes you have to use your imagination to fill in the lines. I have always liked line drawings with pen and ink. I have never been very good at it. But I liked this. Like seeing the faces in the rocks come to form. Not everyone see’s faces in the rocks or clouds or toast. Those that don’t might be better at other thing,
like playing a musical instrument, mathematics, chemistry.
Everyone has something they are good at.
Just need to find it and have fun with it.
OK. Back to the Pinnacles National Park. I have hiked through the Pinnacles a number to times. Through the caves. Seen the water at different levels on my friends, at the base of the rocks. Up to the noses and over there heads at other times. Been there when it was cold. In the spring when it was nice and green. Have tried to avoid the hot summer months. Watched the deer drink from the lake. Squirrels beg for food. OK steal it. Many different birds flying over head. Tried not to run into any rattle snakes.
I am amazed how the earth can move mountains 200 miles or more. Yes, a little at a time and the earth has had lots of time to work on it. The way wind and rain washes away rock and dirt leaving different forms
. And my friends, the Spirits of the land.
Enjoy coloring in my Wild Places Coloring Books. Have a conversation with the Spirits of the land on the pages. Write in a question then think of a funny answer. When you go to the Pinnacles National Park, think of a question to ask. If they don’t answer then answer it yourself. Think of how long they have been standing there. Glad you have two feet to move around on?
Not everything with a funny face is a monster or will hurt you. The Spirits of the land are my friends. They can be your friends to. They will stand silent while the wind and rain changes them over time. If you visit them years later a frown may be a smile. One eye Jack may have two eyes. A tree may be gone and a new one just starting its life may be grow in its place.
Have Fun and Explore!
Robert and the Spirits of the land.
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